674 - RC EndüstriRail Industry

Companies with ECM certificates reached to nine

The first steps came from producers and maintanance workshops. The number of companies with ECM certificates reached to 9.

By liberalization, the wagon owners are obligated to work with ECMs, where ECMs generally prefer to work with plants/workshops which have ECM maintanance function certificates. Thus the produrcers and maintanance workshops speed up their investments on this issue. By now, the number of ECMs in Turkey reached to 4, where number of companies with maintanance function certificates reached to 8.

Here below are those companies:


TCDD became the first ECM of Turkey. Certificate was renewed on 19th of August 2016. Next renewal will probably be done by Tasimacilik AS.


Acarlar announced partnership with Legios. The company has both ECM and ECM maintanance function certificates.


Ar-Gü, the second biggest fleet owner after TCDD is the ECM of its own wagons. Company has also maintanance function certificate.

Demiryolu Lojistik

Demiryolu Lojistik is the last company to get ECM certificate. The company also get maintanance function certificate and will do maintanance of Tüpraş wagons.


Wagon producer Va-Ko has ECM maintanance function certificate.


Rayvag has ECM maintanance function certificate.


TCDD’s subsidiary Tülomsaş ’nin had got ECM maintanance function certificate this year.


Another subsitiary of TCDD, Tülomsaş, had also got ECM maintanance function certificate.

RC Endüstri

RC Mühendislik has ECM maintanance function certificate. The company has a worshop in Tüdemsaş for maintanance of wagons.

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